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Prof.Pepicelli:Attendance English Course.

Pubblicato il 03/03/2020

Autore: Erricoberto Pepicelli

-CIVIL ENGINEERING-To the attention of Students attending the English Course with Prof. Pepicelli for the academic year 2019/2020.
Dear Students,
I expect that you start attending my lectures having:
a- a copy of the provisional program that you can download from my web page: www.ing.unisannio.it/epepicelli>;
b- the suggested readings (books) listed in the above program;
c- ideas, proposals, expectations related to the content of the English Course.
I’m looking forward to meeting you at the first lecture on Friday, March the 6th, from 9.00 to 11.00 in room O3.

Erricoberto Pepicelli


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